Design of a display stand for Wedel at Radom airport

design, production, assembly
furniture board, lacquered mdf, lacquered steel, plexiglass, foil, illuminated light boxes, PVC lining
Our task involved a creative combination of the Chocolate Factory with a place where the zone needed to be located - the Radom airport, in order to build brand experience with positive emotions of its visitors, with the final aim of encouraging the purchase of various Wedel products.
We decided to create a space that has a multi-sensory impact on visitors. It catches the eye with the chocolate cubes placed on the outside of the display stand, it stimulates the taste buds and the aroma wafting from it tempts and invites you to step inside, reach on the shelf and smell the chocolate delight.
Challenge analysis
Challenge analysis
Problem solving
In developing a concept, we took care to ensure that it was both visually appealing and that the display was appropriate to the venue and its regulations. A brief which included specific customer expectations, a market analysis and creativity from our team, (from which you can also benefit) helped us to achieve this.

Use of display stand

Achieving the aim